6 Fat Loss Tips for beginners

6 Fat Loss Tips for beginners

“Weight loss is about more than just the physical weight, we must first focus on our mindset and then the results will fall into place” ~ Success Layne


6 Fat Loss Tips for Beginners 

1. Stop excessive cardio

Focus on getting an extra 30 minutes of walking in each day for cardio. You do not have to spend hours on the treadmill in order to lose fat

2. Eat more meals

Instead of snacking throughout the day, focus on eating balanced meals with 20-25 grams of protein. This will keep you fuller longer and stop leading to unnecessary calories

3. Stick to the same workouts

Keep the same workout plan for 3-4 weeks. Set a goal for your workouts and stick with it. Write down your workout on paper or in your phone and have a WHY for each exercise that you choose

4. Get your REST

Rest is more important than you think when it comes to weight loss. Your body needs time to rest and strengthen your muscles. Recovery is necessary, so make sure that you are not lifting heavy back to back, give your muscles a chance to grow

5. LIFT 

Stop being afraid of the weights. Challenge yourself often and don’t be afraid to look up new things and ask for help. When you lift, you may not get as sweaty as when you do cardio but just trust the process and think about the end goal. YOU CAN DO THIS! 

6. Drink MORE water

Whatever you are in taking now…drink more. Aim to drink at least 32 ounces more than you are currently consuming. My suggestion is that you get a water bottle to carry around with you. If you have it easily accessible, you are more likely to drink it.

Always remember, trust the process. Consistency is key! 

“You are stronger than you feel”- Success Layne 


Make sure to follow my page for some quick daily inspiration and DM me any questions!

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