6 tips for creating healthy eating habits

Six Simple Tips to Improve Your Eating Habits

Six Simple Tips to Improve Your Eating Habits

I’m here to help y’all out with some simple changes you can start implementing TODAY! 

 sure to follow my page on Instagram @Successlayne for daily fitness & wellness content

Let’s get into it!

1. Incorporate more protein into your meals.

I like to aim for a protein intake of 20-25 grams per meal can help you stay fuller for longer and sustain you until your next meal. This can also result in fewer empty calories and provide various health benefits.

2 Stay hydrated by drinking more water.

Drinking more water offers so many benefits including better digestion, enhanced cognitive function, healthier skin, and support for overall bodily functions. It also aids in maintaining proper body temperature, transporting nutrients, and flushing out toxins. I suggest carrying around a water bottle that is at least 40oz to encourage you to drink more water and make it convenient to grab throughout your day.

3. Plan your meals ahead of time.

Planning your meals ahead of time can help you achieve your dietary goals. By knowing what you will be eating, there's less chance of making a hasty decision and consuming something little to no nutritional value.

4. Instead of restricting yourself, focus on moderation.

Achieving a healthy relationship with food requires the ability to enjoy all types of food in moderation. Restriction often leads to short-term and unsustainable results. If you feel like you're overindulging in a certain food, try setting aside portions to help you stay accountable.

5. Eat before hunger strikes.

An effective strategy to achieve your nutritional goals is to eat before feeling hungry. Eat balanced meals every two to three hours to ensure that you can make sound food choices with a clear mind. This approach sets you up for success and a healthier lifestyle.

6. Be mindful of your meals.

Being mindful with your meals can look different for everyone. What do you want to focus on is really being in the moment when you are eating and thinking about why you are choosing the foods that you are eating. You could ask yourself how is this meal getting me closer to my health goals? Way to be more mindful could be not eating in front of the TV, putting your fork down between every bite, planning your meals ahead of time, are drinking a glass of water before your meal. The options are endless when it comes to mindfulness.

7. BONUS- Be mindful with your meals

Being mindful with your meals is a personal experience that can vary for each individual. The key is to be present in the moment when you're eating and to think about the reasoning behind your food choices. Consider how each meal is helping you to achieve your health goals. There are many ways to promote mindfulness during mealtime, such as avoiding distractions like television, taking breaks between bites, planning meals in advance, and drinking water before starting your meal. The possibilities are endless when it comes to practicing mindfulness with your meals.

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